Friday 2 May 2008


You're damned if you do and damned if you don't?

Everyone’s taught from an early age that we shouldn’t lie because it morally wrong and that it’s ‘bad’ and when we grow up I think we continue this behaviour because we fear getting caught out and being branded with the reputation of a liar. Everyone probably would admit to telling the white lies at some point. For example the lie with little success rate: ‘my alarm didn’t go off’.

But is lying with integrity such a bad thing? Politicians and the media master this skill of lying with conviction and truthfulness and it’s not a crime and they get away with it. In my opinion it is bad behaviour, it’s not a crime (unless you lie with integrity in court!) but isn’t really a positive attribute you become well known for. When was the last time you heard someone say “Yeah Jack, he’s a good mate a mine and he’s such a good liar!” To lie with conviction, honesty in your voice is just deceptive. It’s so annoying when politicians and the media lie, like when the media write a huge article on a story, blown out of proportion and then when they find out it’s wrong they just put a couple of lines in the paper saying sorry! Then again, I suppose if you can get away with it…?

This website looks at different ways that people lie, to friends, work, to ourselves and why it’s done:

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