Friday 25 April 2008


People's own choice?

People are either born into, or choose their own religion and so to some extent I think it is choice. I thought there more only the six major religions and some really small groups that had their own religions, but I was surprised to see how many there are.

I think its fine to worship a religion but it really annoys me when religion is forced onto adults. When I was at school I used to go to church, etc with the school and then when I was old enough I made up my own mind about religion. But Jehovah’s Witnesses’ still call round and even when you tell them that you’re quite happy with your religion (and the way you are) they won’t accept it and try to talk you round! Surely this is being too religious. I know they’re not trying to force anyone into their religion but isn’t too religious to be under the perception that everyone will be convinced to change a huge part of themselves (i.e. their religion) just because you’re asking them to? Surely there are other ways to talk people round (e.g. radio/TV programmes that are optional to listen to!)?

I think being too religious includes anything radical that is forced onto others like terrorism and certain cults (e.g. ritual killings). Being too religious in a good way would be choosing to read your religions holy book everyday, going to church everyday, following certain rules (e.g. Sabbath) which doesn’t affect anyone else’s life. But I think it’s ‘being bad’ when people make it their job to force something onto other people who’ve already made their choices.

This article is quite debatable as to whether the headteacher was being too religious even for a Catholic college.

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