Saturday 29 March 2008


Excuses or just being a liar?

Is it OK to lie if you’re giving an excuse?! Like if you’re a work and say ‘my alarm didn’t go off’ or at school ‘my dog ate my homework’ (or something more convincing)? If you’re trying to stick up for yourself and know the problems that could arise if you told the truth is this OK? Is an excuse just a white lie or is it easier to be completely honest and risk getting in trouble or facing serious consequences? If people keep using excuses (e.g. for being late) will they ever learn consequences? I don’t think there’s anyone who’s never gave an exaggerated excuse or ‘white lie’ so does this make it bad behaviour or, if everyone doe sit, is I acceptable in moderation? I’m morally split on this one!

This study shows how many students admitted to lying!!

1 comment:

Toni said...

I agree its a hard subject to decide on I do belive sometimes it is ok to lie if you are protecting someones feelings or saving yourself hassle like for example being late for work and blaming it on the alarm.
Right or Wrong I think it depends on the reasons why a person is lying!