Monday 3 March 2008


If prostitution was legalised maybe trafficking would increase (picture):

I think any amount of money taken for sex with or without the intention to supply it, can be considered prostitution. I don’t think it’s really viewed as socially respectable.

People choose how to live their lives and what they do for a living, but I don’t think prostitutes have this choice and it’s sad that this is what the girls have to turn to.
I don’t think prostitution should be legalised as it may become more common and it would be an excuse for more young girls to be pressured into it.

Countries that have legalised it have particular places where it’s allowed and this might help to distance it from people who don’t want it on their doorstep (literally). Prostitution might not be viewed as wrong or bad behaviour, only if the girls doing it for a living don’t want to be doing it (like funding a drug habit, etc).

The website below suggests it’s an “inevitable part of human life” and it’s due to “inherent nature” and so perhaps it’s just human nature. It suggests that the only difference if legalising it would be that the prostitute wouldn’t be subject to criminal charges – it would be no safer for her.

“Few prostitutes claim to be willing participants, having been driven to it by economic or social circumstances, or unable to leave due to threats, violence and even virtual imprisonment by their 'employers' or pimps.”$366674.htm

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