Wednesday 5 March 2008


Comment in response to Deborah Hadden's 'The wierd world we live in' blog
I agree that celebrities sometimes want the publicity, but I don’t think they should be hounded just because they’ve got talent. You can usually distinguish between the fame hungry celebs who want to be followed everywhere (e.g. big brother evictees!) and those who could do without the press (e.g. Britney!). As for the Royal family, they were born into it so it’s not really their fault, especial Will and Harry they probably just wanna go out with their mates without being stalked by the press, and have to read about what the ‘got up to’ the next day. But like you, I’m completely divided about this – when they’ve got a new album out they want the press to follow them, but when they’re caught doing drugs, they’re ‘being stalked’ – can’t have it both ways!

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