Friday 29 February 2008


This picture shows masturbation’s historical roots:

I think masturbation is culturally unaccepted and it is ‘frowned upon’. It’s not something that’s featured or even talked about in song lyrics, movies and rarely on TV. When it is featured in cultural products like music, etc it’s usually in the same format. For example, masturbation may be seen or talked of on TV but it’s usually in comedies, or in a comic TV programme. If featured in songs, it’s never in a pop song and is usually in rock songs or songs by less well known bands.

Sex involving heterosexual and homosexual couples however, is regularly shown or talked of and it is common for TV programmes (after the watershed) to show sex scenes.
The only reason I can think of as to why masturbation is less common on TV (even though its more common in real life) is because sex can be glamorized on TV and film (and produce better ratings) whereas, because masturbation is not something that culture would ever perceive as acceptable and therefore wouldn’t feel ‘comfortable’ with watching it on TV.

This website gives some history about where the negative views of masturbation started

“Thomas Laqueur: …But what’s changed? I mean look, several things have changed, one is the access to sexually stimulating material is ever easier. The second thing I think that’s happened is that though masturbation is still a joke and something abject it’s also in various circles come to be understood as something that does represent a kind of potentially positive sexuality of the self, and a form of self-exploration. I mean how widely this is held I couldn’t tell you, but I think if you look at child rearing manuals and even moral theology books, people will say’this is a way which people explore their own sexuality if not done excessively and so forth, this is a positive part of discovery of the self’.
I agree, I think that it’s still treated as a joke and that’s why it’s in comedies and lyrics like this from Pink:

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