Monday 25 February 2008


This picture shows the distress that can be caused to the partner of an unfaithful man/woman.

In my opinion infidelity is a type of betrayal and betrayal in any relationship will be hurtful to the person being betrayed. For example if you are betrayed by a member of your family it’s going to effect your relationship with that person and, in my opinion it’s the same with infidelity – you’re being betrayed by your partner. I also think it’s just another way of being lied to and that’s going to really effect the relationship – how can you have trust if you’ve been lied to?

However, I think everyone else will have their own definition of infidelity and what it means to them. If someone’s partner cheats on them, whether they’ve been together for 10 weeks or 10 years, if the partner is willing to trust that person again it’s their choice. I think people will differ individually as to what they see as ‘infidelity’ and that these grounds should be established at the beginning of the relationship. For example, if someone views a one-night stand (with man or woman) as betrayal then both people would know that this isn’t acceptable in this relationship and would be regarded as infidelity (and so would have to accept the consequences of such betrayal). However if a person is willing to forgive a one-night stand this does not present the opportunity to the other person to go and have a year long affair!

I think infidelity is therefore to be based on the specific relationship, i.e. some couples will be more acceptable to one-night stands and some may regard just a kiss as being unfaithful – it’s an individual’s decision on what they would be willing to forgive.

The link below is a link to an interview between CBS news anchor Katie Couric asking 10 presidential candidates questions regarding unfaithful relationships/marriages. The main theme of the interview states:

“For the fifth part of the special series "Primary Questions," Couric asked the candidates: “Harry Truman said, 'A man not honorable in his marital relations, is not usually honorable in any other.' Some voters don't feel comfortable supporting a candidate who's not remained faithful to his or her spouse. Can you understand their position?" In a new CBS News / New York Times poll, two out of three registered voters said they'd vote for a candidate even if he or she had been unfaithful in marriage, as long as they agreed on most issues. One out of three said they would not.”

Here I understand what Joe Biden is stating, being unfaithful may just be a moment of weakness and “Everybody makes mistakes” and “very good people do very bad things sometimes”. Perhaps there is room for forgiveness, but again, I think it depends on the individual who was cheated on.

John McCain sums up my view:
“McCain: You know ... that's an area that I never get into. Because I think that people make judgments, and you can judge other people. I'm not very good at that. And so, I think it's up to each person's personal view of the individual, and ... everybody has a different view.”

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